Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cruise day3 - Halifax, Nova Scotia


This is Day 3 of the cruise. The Titanic sunk about 100 miles from here. Great story about a survivor: Molly Brown (The Unsinkable) wrote in her diary that she remembered waking up on a brass bed when the ship hit the iceberg. When the divers went through the wreckage a few year ago, they went to her room and found that the bed was iron. Her granddaughter said she was a very accurate woman. They read further into her diary and found a man mentioned several times. So, they went to his room -- and, guess what? He had a brass bed! How romantic :-)
I'm trying to post some pics -- let's see how that works.


  1. Cheryl, thinking of you sweet GF, getting pampered & fed & wishing I was there too!
